Strawberry-Rhubarb Mini Pies



Yum! Just looking at those words makes my mouth water.

I’ve already mentioned that brats are a summer food fave of mine, but another major one is pie. I just love pie.

So, in the spirit of summer, pie-lovers, a day off work, and snacks to accompany tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette, I’m making mini pies.

For the crust I used Julia Child’s (almost) recipe for a classic sweet pie dough, I say almost because it calls for cake flour and shortening which are two things that I don’t normally have on hand, so I just substitute butter and normal flour for those and it comes out just fine. The recipe is as follows:

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) chilled butter

2 tablespoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup (more or less) iced water

In the words of the master herself, proceed as follows: With metal blade in place, measure the flour into the bowl of the machine, cut butter rapidly into pieces the size of your little-finger joint, and drop into the flour, along with the sugar, and salt. Using the on-off flick technique lasting 1/2 a second, press 7 to 8 flicks, just to start breaking up the butter.Then, with water poised over opening of machine, turn it on and pour in all but 1 tablespoon of the iced water. Proceed in spurts, on and off, just until dough begins to mass together but is still rough with some unformed bits.

Turn it out onto your work surface and mass together rapidly with the heel of one hand into a somewhat rough cake. (Dough should be pliable -neither dry and hard nor, on the other hand, sticky. Pat in sprinkles more of all-purpose flour if sticky; cut into pieces and sprinkle on more water if dry and hard, then reform into cake.)

Sorry about the quality on this one, I forgot to document my dough process, so these are from the Julia Childs cook book!

Sorry about the quality on this one, I forgot to document my dough process, so these are from the Julia Childs cook book!

Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for at least an hour, to congeal the butter in the dough so that the dough will roll easily, and to allow the flour particles to absorb the water so that it will handle nicely and bake properly.

Wow, thanks Julia!

This recipe is deliciously fool-proof, quick and easy; it makes pie- making a cinch. Big thumbs up for this one!

Now for the Filling:

(makes enough to fill 9 or 10 mini pies)

2 1/2 cups chopped rhubarb

2 1/2 cups chopped strawberries
*The size of the pieces depends on how small or large your pies are. Since I was doing mine in a muffin pan, I chopped things fairly small so that they can cook through properly and in the same time frame as the crust. No one wants an overdone crust and under done filling.

2 1/2 tablespoons flour

1/2 cup sugar (you can bump this up to 3/4 or 1 cup if you like a sweeter pie, I like mine fairly tart)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

In a bowl combine the fruits, and then add the sugar, flour, salt and cinnamon and gently toss together.


Now for some crust work. Take the dough rounds out of the refrigerator and roll them out on a lightly floured work surface. Cut rounds for the bottom crusts of the pies, I used a bowl that was about 5 inches in diameter which worked perfectly for a standard muffin tin.


Put the dough round in the pan to form the bottom crusts. Fill each crust with filling and then top them off. I experimented with lattice and complete tops, but you could also use a streusel topping if you like.

These pies were super juicy, it started leaking out before they even reached the oven.

My fruit was so juicy that it started leaking out before they even reached the oven.

Brush the tops with butter and a sprinkle of sugar. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50 minutes or until filling is bubbling and crust looks cooked.

The juice got super messy and got all over when they were baking. If you think this might happen to you, put a cookie sheet under the muffin tin in the oven, so the juice doesn't drip all over the oven and burn.

The juice got super messy and spread all over when they were baking. If you think this might happen to you, put a cookie sheet under the muffin tin in the oven, so the juice doesn’t drip out of the tin and all over the oven and burn.

While the cuteness factor on these guys is incredible, they were a bit tough to get out of the pan whole. If I make them again, I might experiment with using muffin liners instead of just greasing the tin.

Overall though, they turned out really yummy, even if some of them did just fall apart.


Pasta with Homemade Pesto and Roasted Grape Tomatoes



I’m house sitting, again. I have lots of time to cook, again. This time I was inspired by some incredible fresh basil growing in the garden; I couldn’t resist making pesto.


Here’s what you’ll need to make enough pesto for 2 servings of pasta which ended up being about 2/3 cup pesto:

1.5 – 2 cups basil leaves

3 – 4 tablespoons olive oil

1 clove of garlic, peeled

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

3 tablespoons pine nuts

1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

I’m all about cooking with as few dishes to wash as possible so I used an immersion (stick) blender to make my pesto. Although it was minimal dishes and was perfect for a small portion, I did have to get creative and fashion a little cover so that the pesto wouldn’t get everywhere when I was blending.


Start with just the garlic and salt and blend it as much as you can, then add the basil leaves.

IMG_2435        IMG_2437

Blend for a couple seconds and then add half the oil.

Add the cheese and pine nuts and the remainder of the oil and blend until smooth.

IMG_2440        IMG_2441

Bam! Delicious fresh pesto in under 5 minutes.


While I was making the pesto, my tomatoes were on the grill.

All I did with the tomatoes was cut them in half and put them in a round pan with about 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, a clove of finely chopped garlic. and a sprinkle of salt.


I shook them around a bit to coat them in the oil and then I just popped the pan on the grill. I would’ve loved to spash some balsamic vinegar on those suckers, but this isn’t my kitchen and I couldn’t find any. I waited until the skins were shriveled (about 7 mins). Halfway through, I threw some marinated artichoke hearts in the pan to heat them up.


Brats are one of my favourite summer foods, there so quick to cook, they taste great and they can go on top of practically anything. I grilled one of those up and cut it to top the pasta.

Here’s my finished dinner, I chose whole wheat rotini as my pasta, to get some whole grains into my system. I have a terrible soft spot for junk food, although I starting to train myself to eat better, ergo whole wheat pasta… I know very small step, but it gives me peace of mind anyway.
